A Yes! Science! profile video on Jennifer D’Agostino, the Director of Veterinary Services for the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden.
Dr. Jennifer D’Agostino is a native of Davison, Michigan with an undergraduate degree from Michigan State University. Following her graduation, she completed one-year internships in small animal medicine, surgery and zoological medicine at Kansas State University.
Her three-year residency, specializing in zoological medicine was completed at the Oklahoma City Zoo and Oklahoma State University. After her residency, she worked in an associate veterinarian position at the OKC Zoo. She now serves as the Director of Veterinary Services. Dr. D’Agostino is also a diplomate in the American College of Zoological Medicine.
Jennifer has always had a love for wildlife. She knew from an early age that she wanted to be a veterinarian, especially a zoo veterinarian. She is extremely passionate about conservation and is an avid amateur photographer.
Check out the education programming the Oklahoma City Zoo has to offer by clicking here. Interested in volunteering at the Zoo? Learn more, here.
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