Lindsay Ross has a Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma, with minors in math and environmental sustainability. She attended graduate school at the University of New Mexico and received a Master of Science degree in Earth and Planetary Science with a focus on Paleoclimatology. She works as a hydrometeorologist at Vieux and Associates, Inc., a company that specializes in rainfall and runoff products/services serving wet weather, stormwater, flood, and water resources applications. Her duties include radar and rain gauge data quality assurance and control to produce Gauge Adjusted Radar Rainfall (GARR).
Prior to working in her current position, Lindsay worked at Weather Decision Technologies as a support meteorologist, and at the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality in database management for Air Quality. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, painting, and hiking. She is early in her career as a meteorologist, and hopes to continue work in data analysis and research contributing toward improvements in infrastructure and water resource management to help mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events such as flood and/or drought.
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